
Welcome to the page of the SENSE Barber Home page

It is a Barber in the Tokyo Chofu city
Jindaiji-motomachi 3-1-23

have been adjacent to the
Mitaka city Osawa

10-minute drive from the American School
15-minute drive from the International Christian University
25-minute drive from the Asia University

Please look at the map so as not to get lost
Map  There are two parking

We can speak a little English, but is not perfect
Does not require a special reserved foreigners
Is required upon arrival advance payment
Please bring a photo of hairstyle on weekdays

Only men
Cut only \4200
Cut+Shampoo+Shave face\5200

This is a special discount
+10%TAX Cash only
Residents of Chofu City or Mitaka City only
There is no discount unless you say that you saw this homepage


Our shop 's good skill is cut with a razor full leather material cut etc
It is the volume control by technology similar to specialty store
Additional fee will be charged +300yen depending on technology cut
very short +200yen〜
There is no free repair after returning home
Please communicate well and listen to advice

Wi-Fi and all is now as available regardless of the carrier

アイコン アイコン アイコン

Monday, Tuesday is a regular holiday

Opening Hours(AM 9:00〜PM 5:00)
Reservations have priority. Please enter the store at least by 4pm.

If you do not speak Japanese,
Please come in without a reservationon weekdays
Our shop is on Saturday and Sunday is very busy
Closed during New Year holidays and summer holidays


If you can't speak Japanese and can't make a reservation by phone,
sometimes you can't get a haircut, but you can use this discount instead.

If you don't like it
Please use Reserva for internet reservations.
However, if you are even 1 minute late, we will refuse
your reservation and a cancellation fee of the same amount will be charged.

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